Sunday, 6 January 2008

Isabel Losada, Men!

For the past few months I have become obsessed with self-help. I am single, thirty, moving into my first home, independent, self-sufficient – and this seems to be precisely the right time to address my inner core. But I can’t deny that one day, I will want to spend some time with a man. And I can’t pretend not to have noticed that very few men tickle my fancy. When I read the introduction to Men!, I agreed with the author’s assertion that almost everyone knows a ton of gorgeous, funny, wonderful single women but barely any available, presentable, dateable men. Eventually, Losada explains why: it seems to us like there are less dateable men than dateable women because there actually are less dateable men than dateable women. And too many potentially dateable men stay in miserable relationships for the wrong reasons. The only place our author found one she could bear was in Egypt, which wasn’t particularly heartening. Still, at least I’m not a freak for finding it hard to meet Mr Right – and I would have enjoyed the book if I could’ve stopped myself being jealous that it was she who was writing it and not me.

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